
Justin W4 avatar image
Justin W4 asked Ryan Clark commented

Travel Task Sequence Not Working

Hello All,

I am having an issue where the gantry in my model is not traveling to the object set as the destination in the travel task sequence in my process flow. What I want the gantry to do is after it unloads a pallet, it travels to a fixed resource which acts as the gantry's home position.

Does anyone know what the issue may be? The current model is also attached for reference.


Gantry Home Position Test.fsm

FlexSim 22.0.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Ryan Clark commented

The crane can't do "normal" travel tasks. It only does offset travel, mostly as part of load/unload tasks. So you will have to use a "Travel to Location" activity and pass in the coordinates.



Instead of using the coordinates of the BasicFR object, you can of course put in the numbers directly into the activity, if you know them.


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