
Dirk Boumans avatar image
Dirk Boumans asked martin.j answered

Wait for Event with a List OnPartitionContentChange


I've a problem with the Wait for Event function when it waits on a partion of a list reaching a certain value. The list is used as a "stock list" and when the stock is empty, so no more entries on the partition, the token should be released to refill that partition. However I can't get the function to work this way. See attached example on how I designed it.

The funny thing is that I designed this months ago in my project and to my memory it worked. However it doesn't anymore, and I can't remember changing the logic.

Hopefully someone can help me with this.


FlexSim 19.2.2
process flowlistwait for eventpartitions
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1 Answer

martin.j avatar image
martin.j answered

Hello Dirk,

I cant say if this was something that worked in the past, but if you want this to work now I suggest using a global list and pointing your event listeners to that list.

If you create a global list and link it to your List activity in the flow rather than using an internal list, and then link your 'Wait For Event' activity directly to the Global list in the toolbox rather then the list activity in the flow - it should work.

I hope this helps.

BR. Martin

vme-sc-2.png (51.0 KiB)
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