
Mateusz J avatar image
Mateusz J asked Mateusz J commented

Problem with step 5 in tutorial 1.3

I'm trying to do Step 5 in tutorial 1.3 (Build a process flow model), but I have problem with first chart in this tutorial. Namely I done every point in this step, but first chart don't work. The second chart works well. I attach picture with chart. Thanks for answers


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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

Hi @Mateusz J,

It's difficult to troubleshoot without a model. Can you upload the model you're building to this question so we can take a look at it? It seems like the stats collector isn't listening to the proper values yet. Once you upload your model to this post, we will guide you on how to correct the chart. Thanks!

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Mateusz J avatar image Mateusz J tannerp commented ·

model-zad-1-3.fsmHi @Tanner Poulton,.

My bad. I didn't think about uploading my model.

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model-zad-1-3.fsm (50.6 KiB)

1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Mateusz J commented
@Mateusz J

You did everything correctly, but somehow the Time Plot settings weren't quite right. This may be something that needs to be added in the Tutorial to be more clear. If you look at the Data tab of the Time Plot properties window, you will see that there are two picklists for selecting values of the plot. Because you want Input vs. Time, you will need to set the X Values to "Time" and the Y values to "Input" to get the chart to behave properly. (Both were set to "Activity", which didn't give the chart anything to work off of, hence the blank chart you were seeing before.)

This should get the chart working. Let us know if you have more questions about this. I've updated your model and attached it here: customers-time-plot.fsm

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Mateusz J avatar image Mateusz J commented ·


Now all works. Thanks You for help!

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