
ernesto daniel AG avatar image
ernesto daniel AG asked ernesto daniel AG answered

items do not change color

hello everyone

I'm trying to replicate the warehouse model and I found that at the time of assigning the color to the items

when the initial inventory is created the color in the items does not change to the one assigned in the "Color palette"

i hope you can support me



FlexSim 19.2.0
color palette
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You didn't assign a label SKU at the item! Then you can't assign a color from a none existing reference! The picture shows you the labels at a token in the subflow.

But the "Assigna color" activity expects the reference to token.Item.SKU.

Perhaps you can assign the label and its value before you access the label!

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ernesto daniel AG avatar image
ernesto daniel AG answered

thank you @Jörg Vogel

I have tried to do it as it is in the flexsim warehousing model but I don't get results

I hope you could help me with that

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