
Perla Jazmín HR avatar image
Perla Jazmín HR asked tannerp commented

Code: How to create a flow item using conditional script on source?

FlexSim 19.1.0
sourceflowitemscode snippet
5 |100000

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tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered tannerp edited

double-decide.png (18.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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Kyle P avatar image
Kyle P answered Kyle P commented

dc3yd.png (77.9 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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Suhas H2 avatar image Suhas H2 commented ·
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Suhas H2 avatar image Suhas H2 commented ·
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Kyle P avatar image Kyle P Suhas H2 commented ·
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n9ul0.png (36.8 KiB)
hzpud.png (24.8 KiB)
fpnm6.png (16.1 KiB)