
SudheerReddy avatar image
SudheerReddy asked tannerp answered

In Queue Send to Port vs On Entry Trigger

I am trying to push the items which enter in to the Queue. I found two ways of doing it as shown in below image.

What is the difference of both ways?

FlexSim 19.2.4
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered

Hi @Sudheer R,

The difference is that the On Entry will fire when the item enters the queue and the Send To Port is fired later when an item is trying to leave the queue.

If you use the On Entry trigger to push the item to a list and then you intend to pull it from a list and move it by other means (like a Process Flow), make sure that the Send To Port is set to "Do Not Release Item". This will prevent the queue from trying to send an item that's been pushed to a list.

Hopefully this helps. In the end, both options work great the majority of the time and I can't really think of any instances where you would need to use one over the other.

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