
Farah A avatar image
Farah A asked Mischa Spelt commented

Profiling task sequence error


I am getting this error when i try to load an item and i can't figure out where's the problem

I can't find a reference in the user manual. here's my model handling.fsm can someone help me to fix this please ?

FlexSim 19.2.0
process flowtask sequencecraneload
task-error.png (15.9 KiB)
handling.fsm (47.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Mischa Spelt commented

You call in the load task activity a reference in the label item at the token. You must assign the distinct name "item" to this label value in the source activity.

It is hard to create a logic in process flow, because you must understand that you must assign values to several label names or names for label values. Please read thoroughly the fields where you can add names, code, values, or variables. Some variables can you find by looking into the source code editor under the parchemnt roll icon and the declaration of the standard variables for a function.
In other situations you can pick them by the eyedropper tool or some are in the picklist options.

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