
Tobias T2 avatar image
Tobias T2 asked Braydn T commented

Content limit in a Queue for different products

queue.fsmI would like to use one Queue for two different products. Besides, I would like to limit the content for both products. The Queue can contain 720 products (type 1) or 340 products (type 2). I failed to use one Queue and restrict the maximum content for the different products. I have two Queues in my model. Each product type has its own Queue. The problem is that the Processor fills the two Queues, although I would like to limit the content, because there’s not enough storage for both products. Is there a possibility to limit the storage for the different products?

FlexSim 19.2.1
queuemax content
queue.fsm (27.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Cliff King avatar image
Cliff King answered Braydn T commented

One way would be to use the Pull Strategy and Pull Requirement fields of the Queue to control entry to the Queue based on the current number of each product type already in the Queue and the product type of the item trying to enter the Queue.

Another way would be to continue using two separate Queues for each product type, but then control flow into the two Queues using stopinput() and resumeinput() commands based on the total content of both Queues.

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