
sara S2 avatar image
sara S2 asked sara S2 commented

Why ‘ASRS vehicle’ form isn't convenient when changing size or duplicating it?


I find some difficulties when using ‘ASRS vehicle’ object (Fig1); when I set the length to 2 I get the form in Fig2 that is not convenient. Also when I copy & paste it, I get a non-convenient form in the Fig3. would you please help me to fix this.





FlexSim 19.0.0
asrs vehicle
fig1.png (55.4 KiB)
fig2.png (52.8 KiB)
fig3.png (50.6 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered sara S2 commented

Important clear the reset position !

If you resize the ASRS Vehicle, change width, length and height. The Rails are independent from the vehicle size. The ladder size depends on the car size and therein from width and length. The extender initial height is a parameter in the properties. You can get the vehicle to a location on the rails by a travel to loc task. Please place the rails to a location where you want them to be, then let the vehicle travel there. The rails length can you adjust with a smaller red cone or in the animation creator.

There is an animation that let the extender traverse to the sides. The vehicle must fit into an aisle width.

asrs-resize.jpg (356.9 KiB)
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sara S2 avatar image sara S2 commented ·

@Jörg Vogel thank you so much for your help.

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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered sara S2 commented

Hi @sara S2,

Have you tried resetting and running your model while using the ASRS vehicle? If the height is set to the height of the rack that it is delivering to (in your case, a height of 2), then the vehicle should reset it's position to be within the top and bottom rails. It does look awkward, though, when you first adjust it before running the model.

Also, if you copy and paste the ASRS vehicle when it is out of position, it will look awkward until you reset and run the model. This also may happen if the ASRS vehicle is being asked to pickup/deliver outside the bounds of the rail it's on like in the image below.

Do you have a copy of the model? If you post it, I'd be happy to take a look at it if it has problems beyond what I've mentioned here.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

Please consider to delete the reset position and then set a new reset position again.

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sara S2 avatar image sara S2 Joerg Vogel commented ·

Hi @Jörg Vogel, thank you for the reply.

I really couldn't understand what is 'the reset position'. Would you please explain?


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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel sara S2 commented ·

3D model window: right mouse button click on ASRS vehicle opens a context menu. There you can set and clear reset positions of objects. Each time you drag an object into a model a reset position is automatically set. In the context menu you can clear the position. Then you move the object and you can set the reset position.

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sara S2 avatar image sara S2 commented ·

Hi @tanner.p thank you for your reply.

I tried to reset and run the model, but I still have this problem.

The model is attached below.

Thank you for your help.


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try.fsm (118.7 KiB)
tannerp avatar image tannerp sara S2 commented ·

@sara S2,

Like Jörg has mentioned, it's important to change the size properly. I adjusted the vehicle's Y position using the settings shown below in the image. This seemed to fix the problem. Hope this works!


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try-asrs.fsm (254.3 KiB)
asrs-position.png (38.5 KiB)
sara S2 avatar image sara S2 tannerp commented ·

@tanner.p thank you for the reply. This works to get the car on the rails.

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