
Jake W avatar image
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Jake W asked Jake W commented

How can I change combiner to pack item quantities by type?

I am trying to have type 3 items (blue boxes) have a batch of 3 and still go through the combiner, oven, and all other downstream processes while making sure that the batch does not mix with the other two item types that have batches of 6 (red and green). I don't know how to change the combiner target quantity to make it by item type. I tried looking at the solution to this question but I didn't find the answer.

Here is the model: cut-process-j.fsm

FlexSim 19.0.4
FlexSim 19.2.4
batch sizecombiner itemtypequantities by case
cut-process-j.fsm (61.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
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tannerp answered Jake W commented

Hi @Jake W,

The way your combiner is set up right now is that it will pull the desired quantity from each input port as defined in the Combiner1 Properties.

You want the total collection amount to change according to item type. The question you referenced will work only if you have a "Type" label on the first item that enters the Combiner. In your case, this is a pallet. If you randomly assign a Type label to the pallets between 1-3, you'll find that this method works.


· 3
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