
Gijs S avatar image
Gijs S asked Gijs S answered

Time Table for Sub-Processes of MultiProcessor

I have a question regarding the assumptions of my model.

Due to constraints, sub-processes of my MultiProcessors need to be down during three timeslots per day (two hours per timeslot). Unfortunately FlexSim does not allow the application of Time Tables to sub-processes of a MultiProcessor, it only allows Time Tables to be applied to entire MultiProcessors.

To mitigate this I have tried a work-around in which I split up the MultiProcessor in several seperate Single Processors, each one acting as one of the sub-processes. This work-around allowed me to apply Time Tables to some of the sub-processes, but it conflicts with another constraint of mine. This constraint is that the Processes combined can only contain one flowitem, thus the max-content of the MultiProcessor is one. I have tried to solve this using the open/close trigger, where the input of the first Processor in sequence closed when a flow item enters the first Processor of the sequence and the input of the first Processor in sequence opens when the flow item exits the final Processor of the sequence.

Can someone help me with a structure that satisfies both constraints named above. Simply put, I either need a way to apply a Time Table to sub-processes of a MultiProcessor or I need a way to limit the number of flow items (to one) in a sequence of Single Processes.

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 19.2.3
time tabletimetablestimetabletime tables
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1 Answer

Gijs S avatar image
Gijs S answered

I have already found a solution. Due to confidentiality of my data I cannot share my model. I solved it by dividing the MultiProcessor into separate Processors. Then, I placed two queues before each string of Processors. The first queue pulls flow items from a list and the second serves as a gate with the open and close input trigger. The close trigger works on this second queue and the open trigger works on the final Processor of the string.

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