
dcorral avatar image
dcorral asked dcorral commented

Timetables to place a certain amount of task operators in a group to go down

Hey all,

Not sure if I am using timetables correctly or if I should do something different. I am trying to simulate a workforce that mostly runs 24/7 but manning goes up or down depending on the shift.

I have 2 types of Operators in two groups that simulates 2 different trades. During the first shift, all 10 Operators in each group are active. During second shift, manning goes down to 70% availability and the last shift goes down to 50%. I also have the Operators on a Parameter table to change the number of operators to see if adding more manning would impact the process. Even if I add more Operators, 70% of the manning would still be operational in the second shift and 50% would be available in the third shift.

In Shift2TimeTable and Shift3TimeTable, I tried to use the eyedropper or the add members to pick out the task operators I want to go down, but whenever I reset the model, either the task operators that I picked disappears or it just grabs the entire group causing them to all go down.

Not sure what I am missing. Thanks!


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Jacob W2 avatar image Jacob W2 ♦ commented ·

Hi @dcorral,

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dcorral avatar image dcorral Jacob W2 ♦ commented ·
Hey @Jacob W2,

I was unable to follow the instructions you provided in updating licenses. Did I not include a license when I submitted my question? If not, I can take this down and re-submit.


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered dcorral commented

In the down and resume function you can check the index of the object in its group and compare it to the total number of objects in the group multiplied with the target percentage. Only if the index is large (or small) enough does the code actually stop/resume the object. I added a pointer label to the operators to have an easy way to reference the group they belong to.


Also, time tables that overlap should use different stop IDs. As a best practice I would recommend to simply always use unique stop IDs for each time table.

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dcorral avatar image dcorral commented ·
Works great, thanks!
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