
Jason V2 avatar image
Jason V2 asked Joerg Vogel commented

Use Operator or Staff to run Transporter?

I'm wondering if it's possible to use a Staff member to "operate" a transporter?

In my example, I have an operator that is occasionally required to use any available forklift to transport pallets across the factory. This is in addition to doing other tasks that do no require a forklift.

When the process flow starts, I would like the operator to walk to the forklift, use the forklift to transport the item, and then have the operator and forklift be "released" for another use.

I can make all of this "work" by having the operator travel to the forklift, but if the forklift finishes in a different spot than it started, the operator is in the wrong position.

I'll work on building a simple model to demonstrate what I'm trying to accomplish, but figured I'd ask in case someone has a quick and easy solution!

FlexSim 20.0.0
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
zacharyh answered Joerg Vogel commented

@Jason V2

In FlexSim a Transporter is considered a separate Task Executer than the Operator (Staff Member.) So it is not necessarily possible to make a Staff member "operate" a transporter.

Using Process Flow you might be able to visually hide the first operator while the Transporter does it's work and then be able to unhide the operator when the Forklift returns.

Another tool that can be used in Process Flow is the Synchronize task. You could Synchronize the movements of a Forklift with the Operator.

Once you have a sample model made to better demonstrate your purpose, please send it over and we can try our best to solve the problem you're facing.

synchronize.png (4.1 KiB)
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