
Roberto S6 avatar image
Roberto S6 asked tannerp commented

How generate a token when change of step?

2.fsmI am using a FluidMixer and I need to generate a token when changing the step, this to be able to identify what type of material the FluidMiexer is receiving and thus make a motion decision.

I hope you can support me.


FlexSim 19.1.0
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

Hi @Roberto S6,

In this updated model, I have a line of script that creates a new token using the After Step Delay Trigger. It should work for what you need, but I'm not a fluids expert, so let me know if something goes wrong.

In the example, the trigger is fired after each step and the token is created at a "Start" activity, which can then be used to run a sub-flow. You can pass in other variables by modifying and adding to the script. Hopefully this helps answer your question.


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