
Akhil raja rao K avatar image
Akhil raja rao K asked Akhil raja rao K commented

Problem in acquiring staff and animation run

I'm working on a model in which a person needs to acquire the staff and animation (shake hand animation) should run for both staff and person and he exits after animation until this process remaining people should be waiting in the waitingline for their turn. the problem here I'm facing is, staff animations were running as soon as the person reaches the waiting line, he needs to acquire the staff and then shake hand animation should run for both staff and person. person shake hand animations were running in the waiting line itself, he not at all acquiring the staff. I've attached a sample model which explains my problem, please find the attachment, sir.


FlexSim 20.0.0
staff animationsanimation to the stafffilling process is my problemstaff requirment and staff destination assignment
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
1 Like"
Matthew Gillespie answered Akhil raja rao K commented

You really need to start using the Wait In Line activity instead of just the Walk activity. The Walk activity ends as soon as the person reaches the start of the line, but the Wait In Line activity doesn't end until the person reaches the end of the line.


shakehands.fsm (52.4 KiB)
· 1
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