
Łukasz E avatar image
Łukasz E asked Łukasz E commented

Set pallet type on a combiner based on a box type


I would like to set the same Type on a pallet based on a box Type from Input2.

Model below:


What is the best solution?

combiner itemtype
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Allister Wilson avatar image
Allister Wilson answered Łukasz E commented

You can use the first property of a treenode (an Object is also a treenode) to reference its first child node.

Given the box is packed onto the pallet, it becomes a child of the pallet, so you can reference its type label as

  1. referenceToPalletObject.first.Type

So you could do what you want like this, for example :

Manual page for first :

· 1
5 |100000

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