
Carlos Reyes avatar image
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Carlos Reyes asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Graph multiple data of a tracked variable in one chart

Hi !

I have a Tracked Variable and I would like to know how can I graph in the same chart different data of the Tracked Variable (Current, minimum, maximum, average, entries, etc)

FlexSim 20.0.3
tracked variables
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You can add a Statistics Collector to get this information from the Tracked Variable to display on a chart in the Dashboard. See the attached model. tracked-variable-data.fsm

To configure this statistics collector, I did the following:

  • Select "Enumerate Rows" for the row creation mode.
  • Add the tracked variable as one of the enumerated rows.
  • Add columns for each data stat you want (current, minimum, maximum, average, etc).
  • For the value, cast the rowValue variable as a Tracked Variable to access the tracked variable properties that you want (value, minimum, maximum, average, etc).

Using this method, you can actually create whatever table of data you want, including a matrix of this information for multiple statistics collectors:

Then you can plot it on the dashboard using a variety of chart types:

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Up to 12 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 23.8 MiB each and 47.7 MiB total.