How would I push multiple values per token (SKU# & Batch#) into a List? I want to push a SKU# and a Batch# to the list so that when I pull from the list I can use a criteria based on the Batch#.
How would I push multiple values per token (SKU# & Batch#) into a List? I want to push a SKU# and a Batch# to the list so that when I pull from the list I can use a criteria based on the Batch#.
You can access labels on the thing being pushed to the list by simply setting up fields in the global list. In the following example, the thing that was pushed to a global list called "Patients" was a patient with several labels on it; therefore, I can add "Label" fields to the global list as shown.
I think you accidentally sent me the wrong version of the model because the token doesn't even have an "age" label defined on it at the time it is pushed to the list. Regardless, the main problem with your approach is that you are pushing token.SKU instead of the token itself to the list. If you push the token, then you can add label fields to the list that will be populated automatically with whatever the values of the pushed tokens are. If the values of the tokens will change after the token is pushed to the list, then you want to check the "Dynamic" box for the list field so that it is updated dynamically.
When I try to push multiple values into the Global List, only 1 value is sent. How do I get it to show both values?
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