
Aditya S2 avatar image
Aditya S2 asked Ben Wilson commented

Send flowitems to pickup points by item.type


I am relatively new to AGV in flexsim. I am working on a model where I have multiple sources with different item.type. In the attached model, I have 2 sources and I have 2 pickup points. Is there a way to use just single source and send item to pickup points by item.type.



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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Ben Wilson commented

For your first question, set up your arrival schedule like this:

Notice the 'Type' label is now part of the schedule and the sequence of arrivals is in order by time.

For your second question you would have to change the model layout I bit I think. Rather than sending from the Source directly to the Sinks, send to a two queues that are attached to your two pick up points. Like this:

THen set your Source's Send to Port parameter to:

  1. item.Type

And that will send your items to a port with the same number as your Type label (1 and 2).

pickups.png (59.7 KiB)
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