
King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F asked Braydn T commented

Process Flow - Emptying out tokens


I've noticed that the tokens in my process flow end while there are tokens within the activity. How would I create a process flow so that the tokens will all end in a Sink?

In the attached model below, the tokens all stop at time 180. The tokens need to go through the entire process flow, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Is it because the source is set to a schedule?


FlexSim 20.1.0
process flowflexsim 20.1.0tokens
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered Braydn T commented

@King-Ki F

The problem here is in your task sequences. If you look at all the delays, you have the wait until complete box checked. The wait until complete check box in the delay makes the tokens sit there until the delay has occurred in the 3D model. (Here is the documentation: Delay Task) I will have to ask the developers why this is only happening some of the time. In the meantime, if you change all of the delays to say token.resource instead of token.taskSequence, and remove your Create and Finish TS activities, it will run correctly. I will reach out to a developer and find out why it behaves that way.

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King-Ki F avatar image King-Ki F commented ·

@Braydn T

I've updated the model to change

  • From token.taskSequence to token.resource
  • Removed the Create and Finish TS activities

and that has fixed the problem. Before I accept the answer, would you mind explaining when I can remove the Create & Finish TS activities and when I need to include? or is that too length of a discussion to have here?

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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T King-Ki F commented ·

If you change it to token.resource, they are not needed. (they don't do anything) I typically use task sequences when I have complicated 3d and Process Flow logic mixing, but that's not a hard and fast rule. To me, it is simpler to use resources than task sequences unless I have to.

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