
Andy avatar image
Andy asked Andy commented

Problem with sending tokens in Process Flow

Hello, everyone:

As you may see in the attached model file, I have created a job shop scheduling model with three jobs and three processors. In Process Flow, the function "Decide" should send tokens to the processes: Item Type 1, Item Type 2 and Item Type 3. However, when I ran the model, the tokens were only sent to Item Type 1 and 2, and Item Type 3 received nothing and remained still. I have checked the details in "Decide", trying to fix the problem, but still in vain. Could you help me with this problem?

Thank you for your time and answer!


FlexSim 20.1.0
process flowprocessflowflexsim 20.1.0tokensdecide function
5 |100000

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Andy commented

@Jamin C,

The duniform() function has 3 variables: The first is the min, the second is the max, and the third is the number stream, as shown below. You had the max set as 2 and the stream set as 3, so the label was never set to anything but 1 or 2. I adjusted this in your model.


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Andy avatar image Andy commented ·
tanner.p, Thank you very much for your clear explanation. I followed your steps, and the model can already run successfully now.
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