
Qiana C avatar image
Qiana C asked Qiana C answered

AGV unloaded items don't go to sink

I am using the AGV process flow and the AGVs drop items off at the sink control point, but do not dissappear. They just accumulate on top of the control point, so i can't get any metrics.

FlexSim 20.1.0
agvprocessflowflexsim 20.1.0sink
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·


Can you attach the model to which you're referring? That way, we can debug it much easier. If your model contains proprietary information, you can make this question private so that only FlexSim U.S. employees can view it.

My first guess is that the AGVs are dropping off at the Sink, but not moving the items into the sink. In other words, for a Sink to destroy an object, you must move/unload the object into the Sink. Double check that you are unloading into the Sink and not just at that location.

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @qiana.c,

We haven't heard back from you. Were you able to solve your problem? If so, please add and accept an answer to let others know the solution. Or please respond to the previous comment so that we can continue to help you.

If we don't hear back in the next 3 business days, we'll assume you were able to solve your problem and we'll close this case in our tracker. You can always comment back at any time to reopen your question, or you can contact your local FlexSim distributor for phone or email help.

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1 Answer

Qiana C avatar image
Qiana C answered

I was able to solve this issue directly by calling tech support. The issue was that I was connecting the control points instead of the object themselves to the AGV

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