
Kostas L avatar image
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Kostas L asked Matt Long commented

Picks from wrong racks

Hi everyone ,

@Brandon Peterson

I would apriciate if you help me

In this model the operator picks items from racks to prepare the orders.
But when finish the rack 504 i want to go to 505.
But the operator turns back in 504 rack and picks items which belong to 505 rack .
I have tryied to put the navigator again but the problem remains.

The racks must remains in z rotation in 180.

Any idea of this?



FlexSim 19.2.4
flexsim 19.2.4pickingpicking goodspicking items from rackpicking time
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Brandon Peterson avatar image Brandon Peterson ♦ commented ·

@Kostas L

Can you post a comment with you model attached. The original question has a bad link to the model file.


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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L Brandon Peterson ♦ commented ·
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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Matt Long commented

@Kostas L

There where two reasons that you were seeing this problem. The first is that two of the racks were not added as members to the A* network. They are circled in red in the picture below that I made after I had added them to the network.

The second, is due to how the A* network calculates travel to objects. I don't have the knowledge to elaborate on exactly how it works but I can tell you that there is a difference between the pallets in the racks and the items on the pallets. By adding a travel activity to the pallet (Shown below) in front of the load activity in your process flow I was able to eliminate the operators reaching through the racks to pick items from pallets in the other rack.

I hope this helps,


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1587688304973.png (23.8 KiB)
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