
Kostas L avatar image
Kostas L asked Joerg Vogel edited

Picking from wrong racks

Hi everyone in this model the operator picks items from orders.
The picking start from rack 501 until rack 506.
But when he finish from the rack 504 and must go to rack 505 he returns back and picks the right items but from the wrong position. Also there are times that the operator passes through the racks .
I have trryied to put the navigator again but the problem remains.
Why is that happening?

Please help me!


FlexSim 19.2.4
pickingpicking goodspicking items from rackpicking time
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Kostas L, are you aware of the concept Start, Stride and Progression section and Pick Face. Then you need not to rotate a rack anymore.

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

The operator tries to load from the front of the rack. It looks like rack 505's front is facing into rack 404. Rack 503 is as well, not sure why that one is working and 504 isn't. But change the Z Rotation of 505 to 0 and it'll work.

On a side note, you may want to think about producing the flowitems on demand. Right now you're creating over 11,000 flowitems at the start of the model. The the 3D view is trying to draw all of those items. It makes the model run quite slow. If instead, you only create one item at a time as the operator goes to pick it, your model will run much smoother. If you want the visualization of the pallets and items, you could always throw a place holder visual object in there. If there is some reason you need large numbers of items, you could instead create tokens and then use the token to create an item when needed. Tokens take up much less data and won't slow down drawing.

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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L commented ·

Hi @Matt Long . I change the rotanion Z to zero but the problem remains.
Now it passes through the rack 504.
Any idea of this problem??

Thanks a lot!


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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T Kostas L commented ·

@Kostas L

Rack 505 and Rack 504 are no longer connected to A*. Was that intentional?

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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L commented ·

@Braydn T
if i connect to A the problem remains. He goes back at rack 504.
But if i don;t connect to A he passes through 504 rack.
I dont what happend.

Any idea why thats happening?

Thanks a lotmodel-abc-a-codes-in-a-rack-6kmh (2).fsm

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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long Kostas L commented ·

Those models still have the rack's z rotation set to 180. I made the change for you.


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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L Matt Long commented ·

Hi @Matt Long
The racks z rotation must set to 180 because i want the first bay is the bay 21.

Thanks a lot!

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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L commented ·

Hi @Matt Long and @Braydn T
Thats i want to do is when the operator finish the items from 504 rack i want to collect items from 505 rack.
I want to pass from the top of 504 rack and goes to 505 such in 502 rack.
The racks must be in 180 (z rotation) because i want the last bay (bay 21) is the first bay.
Thanks a lot .

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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long Kostas L commented ·

You can force items moving into the rack to be assigned to a different bay/slot.I've attached a simple model that places items into the rack from right to left rather than the default left to right using the Slot Assignment Strategy. The idea is that you assign a label value to the slots using the Pain Slot Labels tool in the library, then assign the associated label value to your flowitem. When the item enters the rack, it will be assigned to slot with matching label value.


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Kostas L avatar image Kostas L Matt Long commented ·

Hi @Matt Long

I cant open the model.

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