
Mauricio R23 avatar image
Mauricio R23 asked Mauricio R23 commented

Pushback Racks operation

Hi, is there an easy option for pushback racks to function as they should in the warehouse? In the sense that if a pallet located at the back of the bay needs to be retrieved, the system considers the time required to remove the pallets in front first, and then reposition them.

Perhaps there is a way to instruct the forklift that if a pallet is in that position, it should remove the other pallets first.

This is to have more realistic times for a pushback rack system.

FlexSim 23.1.3
picking timepushback rack
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Mauricio R23 avatar image Mauricio R23 commented ·

Or if not possible, record the location of the pallets (address pushback) when they are removed, so that we can calculate the estimated additional time.

This location is dynamic, when another pallet in the same bay is taken, the address of the pallet changes.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Mauricio R23 commented

The Storage.Slot.Item class (representation of stored items specific to a slot) possesses the pickRank property. This value denotes the relative 'position' of the item in the slot. The newest item will have a pick rank of 1. Older items have a higher rank. When removing an item from a slot you can use this property to add additional time. Or even query for items that are 'in front' of the item you want to remove, so they can be moved aside first.

If you have a reference to the item in question (itemRef), you can access this property through the following syntax.

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Mauricio R23 avatar image Mauricio R23 commented ·

Thank you very much! I think I'm successfully recording the value I wanted. Just to clarify, does this value reset every time the slot is completely cleared? In other words, it doesn't accumulate the number of pallets that were in that slot, right? For example, if I'm recording a bay with a maximum of 4 pallets, the count for that bay will never exceed 4, as it depends on the presence of pallets at any given moment. Is that correct?

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ Mauricio R23 commented ·
It's an attribute of the storage item - all of which are deleted at reset.

The number could exceed 4 if you don't control the consumption of available space when finding slots.

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Mauricio R23 avatar image Mauricio R23 Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·

Ok, thank you very much! I tried it, and indeed no value came out above 4.

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