
Lean van der Walt avatar image
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Lean van der Walt asked Matthew Gillespie commented

How to replenish from one rack to another

How would it be possible to replenish from one rack to another?

The source supplies Rack1 with items. The other Rack2 has limited space. Rack2 should filled with items from Rack1 only when Rack2 reaches a minimum level of inventory?

Please assist.


FlexSim 16.1.1
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Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Matthew Gillespie commented


Here is a sample model that replenishes Rack 2 from Rack 1 using process flow. The model is a little more complex than you originally asked for. Specific item types are assigned to specific bay/level locations and each bay/level location is only refilled once it has reached a minimum quantity.

There is a "Create Bays" flow that creates the bay/level locations for Rack 2. Each bay token (bay/level location) then attempts to pull an initial quantity of it's specified itemtype. Every time an item leaves rack 2 a token is created in the "FlowItem Exits Rack2" flow that informs the bay token that an item has left. The bay token then checks to see if it is below the reorder amount and if so then it will attempt to pull the required item(s). Each time an item finishes the dwell time for rack 1 a token is created in the "FlowITem Ready at Rack1" flow. This token pushes to a list to wait to be pulled by a bay token. Once pulled it updates the bay token labels and pushes the 3D flowitem to a global item list so that it will be transported to Rack 2.

The variables that define the quantity per location and the reorder amount are defined in the "Setup" activity in the "Create Bays" flow. The itemtype required at the location is defined in the activity "Inc Bay and set itemtype" of the "Create Bays" flow.

Good Luck,


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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Brandon Peterson commented

Rack 2 is connected to Rack1. Rack 2 pulls items. Pull Requirement if (content(current) < 4) return 1; current is a pointer to the object itself. This works in the Pull Requirement of Rack 2.

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