
King-Ki F avatar image
King-Ki F asked King-Ki F commented

Error - Label does not exist


I'm trying to debug the following error

time: 73.164480 exception: Label property resource retrieved on token "id:18". Label does not exist. Atactivity Store Tote/Main Process/Release in process flow "ProcessFlow".

but I can't figure out which label it is referring to. Would someone be able to help me understand what is causing this error and how I can fix it? Model attached below


FlexSim 20.1.0
process flowflexsim 20.1.0
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered King-Ki F commented

This is the root of your problem:

Token ID18 is going someplace that it's not supposed to be. ID18 is created as a child of ID11 at time 24.09 where it lands in this Synchronize activity and waits to be sync'ed with another token from splitID ID3. Which it does, with token ID13 at time 25.96. If you stop it there and step one event, you'll see 18 at the Pull from Storage List activity in the "Store Tote" flow.

However your inbound and outbound connectors for the Synchronize are likely mismatched; Whatever token arrives on inbound connector 1, leaves through outbound 1. So ID13 acquired Resource: ANTS but since it entered the Synchronize on inbound 1, it leaves through outbound 1, which leads to the Pull from List in the "Pick Totes" flow.

ID18 did not acquire ANTS and so doesn't have the token.resource label that the Release activity is expecting. Because ID18 arrived to the Synchronize on inbound 2, it leaves on outbound 2 as shown in the picture and goes to the Release causing the error.

Aligning your Synchronize connectors so that the tokens that acquired ANTS reaches the right flow of activities will fix the error.

syncoutputs.png (47.4 KiB)
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King-Ki F avatar image King-Ki F commented ·

Thank you Reagan for the detailed explanation! I was so busy checking everything else that I completely forgot about the order of the connectors.

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