
Dominik K avatar image
Dominik K asked tannerp commented

Can I make workers do other things while a processor is running alone?

So I have a process where the machine-time is 24hrs. The worker on this machine only has to stand by it for 1 hour. So the other 23 hours, he can work on other things. Also, can you implement a shift work time of 8hrs a day? No setup-time needed though. It's all process-time / machine-time.

Thank you for your help!

FlexSim 18.2.3
processorflexsim 18.2.3workersmachine-timeprocess-time
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1 Answer

Braydn T avatar image
Braydn T answered

@Dominik K

This would be another great use of Process Flow. After the operator loads the item, you can have a delay in process flow of 1 hour, then release the operator to go do other tasks.

There are many questions on our forum about shifts, and the implementation depends on your needs. For example, at the beginning of a shift you can have an operator created, work for 8 hours, then have the operator go into a sink. You could use the people module to have shifts that way. Again, I would recommend going through the process flow tutorials if you haven't already.

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