
Marlon B3 avatar image
Marlon B3 asked tannerp commented

ERROR al usar el "SEPARATOR" con labels

Hola !!
Como estan ?

Tengo un problema con el uso del "SEPARATOR" ... primero uso un "COMBINER" con la opción de JOIN sin ningún problema... pero cuando uso el SEPARATOR haciendo uso de LABELS que asigne a cada SOURCE aparece un error ... no comprendo que sucede y comprendo como

resolverlo ERROR_SEPARATOR.fsm

FlexSim 19.0.9
labelserror messageseparatorflexsim 19.0.9
error-separator.fsm (19.0 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

A separator can only unpack by LIFO strategy items from a container. If you need to unpack items by a label attribute, you achieve it better in a processor and some logic.

You query all items in the container and test the attribute. If there is a match, the item is transferred into the processor and then from the processor released. By this the statistic is evaluated correctly.


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tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Marlon B3 commented

Hi @Marlon B3,

The separator's "Split/Unpack Quantity" field looks at the label on the main object that is passed into the separator. In this case, the Separator looks for the pallet label, "LABEL". But the pallet does not have the label, "LABEL". Only the items do.

It seems to me like you want the separator to put the black items in one queue and the white items in the other queue. Is this correct? If that's the case, you need a place for the pallet to go. Then, using the "LABEL" value, you can send the contents of the pallet to their respective queues. Hopefully this makes sense and I understood your question correctly. Let me know if you have any questions.

separator marlon help.fsm

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Marlon B3 avatar image Marlon B3 commented ·

Gracias por responder @tanner, me quedo mas claro el funcionamiento de las LABELS. sin embargo, quisiera que me pudieras aclarar como puedo retirar una BOX en especifico (la negra en este caso), y que el pallet con las otras tres cajas pueda continuar el flujo. Lo he intentado pero únicamente logro retirar la ultima BOX en ingresar al pallet. ¿Como puedo retirar cualquiera de ellas y que las demás continúen el flujo en el pallet?

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