
Olga H avatar image
Olga H asked tannerp commented

Shopper supermarket simulation

How can I create a flow item bin in the form of a shopper for my supermarket simulation? They must be able to randomly select items from the shelves and take it to the tills (processor). I set the source to the shortest queue if available. At the moment the person is only going to the till and moves over the conveyor on the processor. How can I ensure that the shopper unpacks their items onto the conveyor?

FlexSim 20.0.2
flexsim 20.0.2
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered

@Olga H,

I think a good way to do this would be do use a date time source. The date time source relies on a table to generate tokens and you can specify how many tokens fall into each day or hour, depending on how you set it up. My screenshot below shows an example of this. Each arrival block in the calendar can be given a quantity of tokens to create, so if you know that Monday generally has 100-150 customers and Saturday generally has 200-250, you can reflect that here and then simply repeat the schedule weekly.

More on this can be found in the User Manual section on Date Time Sources. Hope this helps give you some direction.

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