
Kwan A avatar image
Kwan A asked Julie Weller commented

Global table tutorials

Hi, is there any tutorial on how i can apply using the data from the global table into my model? I have been googling for tutorials on the application of global table to the model but there is not any videos that i can find?

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Julie Weller commented

@Kwan A,

Global Tables can be used in a lot of ways. For example, you can use them to assign labels, schedule arrivals, or track data in your model, just to name a few things. Could you explain what you're looking to use Global Tables for in your model?

I've created a small example that uses a Global Table to set the Process Time of a processor based on a Type label. A second Global Table counts the number of items that pass through Queue1 using an OnEntry trigger on Queue1.

Maybe this can give you some ideas of how to access the Table for different things in your model.

using global tables help.fsm

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