
Cor van 't Woudt avatar image
Cor van 't Woudt asked Matthew Gillespie answered

How to add objects created by a process flow to a agent system?


I just watched and downloaded the new agent module. Fantastic new options, I think. I would like to experiment with a proximity and a social force systems in a model where people are generated by a ProcessFlow. Is it possible to add objects generated by the ProcessFlow to these systems?

FlexSim 20.1.1
flexsim 20.1.1social forceproximityagents
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
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Matthew Gillespie answered

Yes. This is done in the HallwayTravel example model found in this post: Agent Example Models

After creating the object you need to create an agent for that object and then activate behaviors on the agent.

Agent agent = Agent.System("SocialForceSystem").createAgent(token.Item);
agent.activateBehavior("Social Force Behavior");

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