
Mohamed Furquan K avatar image
Mohamed Furquan K asked Ben Wilson commented

Separating the intake of service and patient elevator

In my model there is have 4 Elevators (2 for patient + 2 for staff). I would like to make sure the staff use only service elevator and the patient elevator used by patient + transporter .

Goal : Is to not transport patients in Service Elevator

1) Defined the barrier Rule 1 to Staff only.


treenode traveler = param(1);

/**Staff Only*/

return !isclasstype(traveler, "People::Staff") || traveler.TravelingWithoutPatient?;

3) I would like to know how to modify the code such that only Staff use Service elevator and no patients are transported in the elevator

FlexSim 20.1.2
healthcareflexsim 20.1.22020
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barrier1.jpg (81.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

@Mohamed Furquan K The Staff Only condition does exactly that. It only let's Staff cross dividers assigned that condition. You may need to move the divider out a little bit more away from the front of the elevator. When people walk to the elevator they walk to a point a meter or two in front of the elevator, so you need to block off that space.

If you still can't get it working attach your model.

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