
hing lung C avatar image
hing lung C asked hing lung C commented

Detect item type and output to the queue correctly after the separator

dog production line_autosave.fsmI want to detect different item in the separator more the item to the corresponding queue( 摺書1,摺書2,摺書3,摺書4,), how can i do it ?? But my model can only output all the item to queue (摺書1) and queue (摺書2), can any flexsim master give a help to me ?? Thank you very much!! >.<

FlexSim 19.0.9
flexsim 19.0.9item type
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tannerp avatar image tannerp commented ·

@hing lung C, did you need any additional help with this? If so, let me know. Otherwise, please click "Accept" on the answer. Thanks!

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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered hing lung C commented

@hing lung C,

Because you have multiple ports (more than two), I recommend using "Port By Case" logic. This logic can be found in the Separator's pick-list options for "Send To Port" in the Flow tab.

By using Port By Case, you can set the port to be equal to the item's Type label. I updated this in your model on Separator1. Let me know if it helps.


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hing lung C avatar image hing lung C commented ·

Thank you very much!! >.<

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