
Mike H5 avatar image
Mike H5 asked Julie Weller commented

Dashboard statistics does not match performance charts

acmh-lean-model-rev-8-65-35-experimenter-7.fsmThe dashboard stats for the model have been validated and match expected outcomes as setup in the model and scenario 1. However the performance measure charts do not match the times on the dashboard. Are the numbers on the performance charts seconds? Where can I change them at. What are the negative numbers on the LOS graph? I have attached a photo and the model here. Thanks

FlexSim 20.1.1
flexsim 20.1.1performance measures
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Concerning the performance measures shown on the right in your example, the negative numbers are a bug, where the time stamps are subtracted in the wrong order. The magnitude should be correct, but the sign is wrong. I'll put that on the dev list.

As for the performance measure values shown on the left, the performance measure values are not derived from the chart. They are showing the total of a group's average staytime, so it makes sense that the values are quite a bit higher than the averages on the bar chart.

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