
JUN-WEI P avatar image
JUN-WEI P asked JUN-WEI P commented

Why my global table and label can't reference ?

Hi dear all,

I have two problem about reference, include label reference and global table reference.

1. The label named "quantity" was referenced but does not exist " still show on my system console like following image.

problem show on system console:

2. In exit trigger of Rack 1 to Rack 8, I want to write the output start time to the global table named "time" and following is my setup.

In the column 3 of "time" table can't reference the time.

please help me to solve the two problems, thank you so much.

following is my model 20200619_random.fsm

FlexSim 19.1.2
global tableflexsim 19.1.2reference
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20200619-random.fsm (249.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered JUN-WEI P commented

1. The Separator calls the On Exit trigger for each item that exits the object. This means not only does that code exit for your pallet, but also for all of the boxes. You can add a check in the On Exit triggers to ensure the code is only being fired when the pallet is leaving the Separator like this:

2. Your global table isn't being written to because there is a previous error on line 6 of the rack's On Exit trigger. Also you're referencing a global table that doesn't exist anymore.

  1. Table cells = Table("cellsTbl2");
  2. cells[item.toBay][item.toLevel]-=0.1;

Looks like the labels should be item.bay and item.level.

Hopefully this helps!

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