
Francesco S avatar image
Francesco S asked FRANCESCO S2 commented

how can I put the boxes from the queue to the rack, deciding their position?


Hi, i am trying to put the boxes from queue to rack following slot strategy assignment by bay, level and slot ID, but when i run the program there is a problem that i don't undrestand. can anybody help me?

FlexSim 20.0.0
rack queue
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sebastian Hemmann avatar image
Sebastian Hemmann answered FRANCESCO S2 commented

Hi @Francesco S,

there are some of your settings not working good in connection with the Warehousing module.

One thing is, that you´ve made Slots not storeable but send items to this slots:

Another thing is, that you have 1 Bay but your distribution in the set label also gives 3 different Bays.

I´m sure if you solve this, it will work.

picture-1.png (30.8 KiB)
picture-2.png (36.6 KiB)
· 1
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FRANCESCO S2 avatar image FRANCESCO S2 commented ·

thank you, i followed your suggestions and i fixed the problems.

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