
Xabier A avatar image
Xabier A asked Xabier A commented

Initially populate Global List from database

My concern is how to populate a Global List with labels from the information of a database.
I have been able to do with a global table and also in a Global List with an itemflow element, but no way to add rows/lines in a Global List without creating an item. The problem is that the items appear in the model
Is there another way to populate (add rows/lines) a Global List without creating an item?
(Ah! I am also going to repopulate the Global List during the simulation)
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 20.1.2
flexsim 20.1.2global list
globallist.fsm (29.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

If you want a total independent list similar to a table, you can do this with push arguments. The value can be anything. A number is just fine.

  1. List(“myList”).push(1,0,“aText“,2.345)

1 = the value, as standard you find often here item, but it can be anything

0 = partition ID

“aText” = first push argument as string

2.345 = second push argument as floating number

You need to Add Fields in your list as Push Arguments

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Xabier A avatar image Xabier A commented ·

I appreciate a lot the efffort and the attention paying to this topic.

The added code I have also try but I do not "arrive" to the labels, thats my problem.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Xabier A commented ·

But there are different types of fields you can add:

But you won't be able to change the caracter of the list anymore - a push arguments stays a push argument and it won't be a label.

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