
christoph gruber avatar image
christoph gruber asked christoph gruber commented

sorting items (articles) from a conveyor by a joblist

Good day, I have the following problem.

In PF I generate a Joblist (gerneral list) with the different articles (1-5) on an Array. On a conveyor system the articles are circling. I have two DPs on the convevors. On one DP (DP2) I define the Job (at the moment manuel) on a Lable. On another DP (DP1) I will sort the right articles from the job on DP2 to the outgoing conveyor. I have a problem with the "pull from list" on DP1 arrivaltrigger. What´s wrong in my query? Thanks for helping me.

please see the model attached


FlexSim 20.1.2
conveyorflexsim 20.1.2global list
testmodel.fsm (114.4 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered christoph gruber commented


  1. WHERE value = Puller.Article

value is a reference to the entry of the list. You want to compare item.Article with value of your list. But you can only parse item as a Puller into query clause.

On Pulled

  1. if (numFulfilled == numRequired) {
  2.   treenode newDest =current.outObjects[1];
  3.   Conveyor.sendItem(item, newDest);   
  4. }

You need a senditem action, too.

· 1
5 |100000

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christoph gruber avatar image christoph gruber commented ·

thanks a lot Jörg!

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