
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
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Patrick Zweekhorst asked Patrick Zweekhorst commented

How to select a group for maintenance on a people location?


I have made a small model where I want to have maintenance done on a people location after it is used. I have set up the maintenance like this:

I wanted to select a group for the maintenance staff, but the people groups are not available in the drop down. The normal groups are and I used one of those.

However this is not working. The maintenance staff will not go to the location to clean it.
Is there a bug in the logic or in the drop down options?

Attached is a small example model that shows the problem.

Thank you,



FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3people modulemaintenance
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1594362792823.png (38.5 KiB)
caseflu-1.fsm (84.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Patrick Zweekhorst commented

I'm not sure why you're not getting it to work (the model you attached isn't set up like it is in the pictures). I set the Chair to use the Nurses group and it's doing maintenance just fine.


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