
Gary Q avatar image
Gary Q asked Gary Q commented

use procces flow

A query, how can I obtain the statistics of the registrer and clerk1, since in the statistics I always see idle and other, attached model

Oficina de Pasaportes.fsm

FlexSim 20.1.3
processflowflexsim 20.1.3
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1 Answer

pc neo avatar image
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pc neo answered Gary Q commented

@gary.q Since you are using HealthCare objects such as Registrar and Clerk then you will need to use the HealthCare charts. Below is a pic, click on the icon highlighted in "green" which will put you into HealthCare mode. Then you will be able to access to the templates charts for HealthCare objects. Hope this helps.

· 1
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Gary Q avatar image Gary Q commented ·

@pc.neo Thanks for help me

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