
Joao Emanuel S avatar image
Joao Emanuel S asked Jason Lightfoot commented

how can AGV wait in the control point for process to finish?

Hi there,

I'm trying to make a process flow where the agv needs to wait for a processor to be done with the box before being able to proced to the next control point where it unloads the box.

In this case specifically the control point is the ControlPoint6 and the processor is the Processor1.

Every AGV has to wait on the Controlpoint6 to deliver the box before going to ne next part of the cycle.

Can someone help me with that?

modelo agv chassis_12.fsm

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 18.2.3
wait for eventdecideconditional decideflexsim 18.2.3
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Benjamin W2 avatar image
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Benjamin W2 answered Benjamin W2 commented

processflowagv.gif (758.6 KiB)
agvprocessflow.fsm (39.8 KiB)
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Joao Emanuel S avatar image Joao Emanuel S commented ·

Hi benjamin.w2, thanks for the response.

In my case I have more than one AGV and the after the Taskexecuter1, for instance, leave the box on the processor the Taskexecuter2 show wait on the control point before till the end of the process. In your example that would be the control point 2.

When the processor is done and the box is out in a queu the next Taskexecuter would be abel to go to the control point 3 and deliver the box to the processor.

I do not know how to make the AGV wait in the control point before.

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Benjamin W2 avatar image Benjamin W2 Joao Emanuel S commented ·

The same logic should still apply. In the attached model I only tweaked the process flow a little. AGVs naturally "wait" for their path to open up. When travelling, they acquire the control point ahead of them and behind them. If they are on a Contol point, they acquire the point ahead, behind, and their current point. This mean that trailing AGVs will not move until they can acquire their next point.

agvprocessflow (1).fsm

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raniaakkari avatar image
raniaakkari answered Jason Lightfoot commented

does anyone knows how can i change the AGV speed and size ? my current Simulation has 33 Processor and 27 AGV

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
This was answered here.
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raniaakkari avatar image
raniaakkari answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hello guys I have the same problem i want my AGVs to stop at the Processor point til the jon is done.

i couldn´t open ur exemples cuz it isn´t the same version that i have.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Which parts of the Benjamin's approach are you having troubles with to understand?

Could you state your version so someone might provide an example with it to you?

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raniaakkari avatar image raniaakkari Felix Möhlmann commented ·


Here I tried to do a simulation with 6 AGVS (2022 Update 2 Version) i want every AGV to pass by every Processor unload the item wait until the processor is done and then to load it again.

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pic.png (74.2 KiB)
sim2-22.fsm (60.7 KiB)
Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ raniaakkari commented ·

Ben's example didn't use a standard AGV template - since they don't closely match this use case.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
Another approach is to label the item with the AGV when it is collected from the source and then refer to that in the processor's transport dispatcher. You should be able to create that just from the description alone.
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