
Noah Z avatar image
Noah Z asked Ben Wilson commented

Stats Collector Table Size Strategies?

I have a high throughput process flow only model where thousands of tokens are created daily and then ultimately sent to a sink a day or two later after a series of steps. I record information about each token in a stats collector that gets triggered just before the sink. All in all, for the desired model run length I would generate approximately 200k items.

I'm running into an issue where a few days into my simulation the stats collector table reaches ~75k rows and the model really slows down and can barely progress anymore. If I remove the link to write to the stats collector the model runs just fine without any slowdown. I'm wondering if there are any strategies the community might know for ways around this slowdown?

FlexSim 20.0.0
flexsim 20.0.0stats collectormodel speed
· 2
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered
I'd be interested to see your actual model. I haven't seen a slowdown like that with the stats collector before, unless the rows are being sorted. In that case, it will take longer and longer to sort new rows in to the table.

@benjamin.w2 has the right idea; the performance profiler may help you discover the issue best.

5 |100000

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