
Dominik K avatar image
Dominik K asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Different Operators on same Queue


I have a model with many processors and one queue. This one queue stores the same item which is used for different processors in a certain sequence. I want different operators to take and bring these items from and to the queue.

How can I do this with the center-port option?

The attached image doesn't seem to work...


FlexSim 18.2.3
queueflexsim 18.2.3multiple operatorsoperators assignmentcenter ports
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1 Answer

tannerp avatar image
tannerp answered Jason Lightfoot commented


You have a few options here. One is to use a Group or List. Another option is to use a Dispatcher. I set up a simple example that utilizes a Dispatcher to call on one of four operators. I hope I understood your question correctly. This way, you use the same center port connection to access all of the operators.

many operators.fsm

· 2
5 |100000

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