
Dominik K avatar image
Dominik K asked Ben Wilson commented

Tracking Item time through Process


I have a model where I have different sources that create Items. Those Items are first stored in Queues. These Items then go from the queues through different processes and eventually, they are being combined into a new item. I tried to track the items with the following snippet of code:

I tried to collect such data in the form of a statistics collector (for each Item, but in this example, I just show one of them):

But the outcome is rather disappointing...

My model is confidential, so I cannot send you the model... still; any ideas?

FlexSim 18.1.2
timeflexsim 18.1.2lead time
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1 Answer

SudheerReddy avatar image
SudheerReddy answered SudheerReddy commented


In statistics collector you have written data.enteringTime.VCM_L_Time

I guess data.enteringItem should be correct. I.e you written enteringTime instead of enteringItem

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