
Luca S4 avatar image
Luca S4 asked Joerg Vogel commented

How do I extract labels of items after they have been packed by a combiner?

Schritt 3 Arbeitsmodell.fsm


i want to track the lead times per Type from the point the items leave the first rack to when they enter the last rack. The Problem is, that there is a combiner in the process. After the packing combiner i dont know how to adress the items anymore or at least work with they labels. I am at the point where the items have a entryTime and a exitTime Label. They just have to be interpretated.

Is there an option with the processflow and maybe a simple one with the dashboard?

Maybe someone can help me.

Thank you a lot in advance,

Luca S.

FlexSim 18.1.2
processflowflowitemsflexsim 18.1.2lead timetracking
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Joerg Vogel commented

Here's a model with a chart that shows average lead time by type:


I did it by making a stats collector. The statistics collector listens to the OnEntry of the sink. When that event fires, I add a label called Items, which is an array of all the flowitems in the pallet. Since the stats collector uses Unique Values as its row mode, and I'm using the Items label as the row value, I end up with one row per item on the pallet. Each row records the type, entry time, and exit time.

I did change the ExitTime label set by the floor storage before the sink to not have a space in its name.

I then made a calculated table that gets the

  1. AVG(ExitTime - EntryTime)

and groups by Type. I added a table chart that then shows the result.

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Luca S4 avatar image Luca S4 commented ·

@jordan.johnson, got it so far, helps a lot!

But what does the ".up" in the Value of the ExitTime-column of the statistics collector do? "data.rowValue.up.ExitTime"

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Luca S4 commented ·

The “up” property is directing the reference pointer of data.rowValue a level higher in the tree structure to get the label value of ExitTime. I assume data.rowValue is a pointer to a packed item, then the property “up” is pointing to the container item.

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