
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Jordan Johnson answered

Problem in getTotalTimeAt at tracked variable


We have found a small bug in the getTotalTimeAt function on the trackedVariable. Attached is a model that shows the problem. When you run the model to the stop time (105) the history of the tracked variable will be:

The time at value 1 is correct, 60. The problem is at the value that the tracked variable currently has (in this case 2). Asking the total time at value 2 returns 55, but it should be 25. Testing different situations seems to show that always the current state returns invalid




FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0tracked variablegettotaltimeat
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gettotaltimeat.fsm (28.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered

Yes, this does look like a bug. I'll get it on the dev list.

If you need a workaround, try asserting a profile. I'm not quite sure what types you need or are using, so it might not be a good solution for you, but getTotalTimeAt() attempts to get that data from the profile node before summing the history.

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