
Dj Moens avatar image
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Dj Moens asked Phil BoBo commented

Error in random stream replications


We had a strange bug sent to us by one of our clients. In the end there seems to be a bug in initializing the random streams based on replication number. It is also present in FlexSim 20.0.

You can test yourselves: create a model and set in the advanced tab of the experimenter to replicate stream x, with x>1. See attached model with a similar example.

Type a random function in the output console: for instance uniform(1,10). Save the model, close FlexSim and open the model. Press reset and execute the console. Mark the result. If you press reset again you will get a different value.

It seems that the very first time you have opened the model, the random streams are taken from replication 1 and not the set value in the advanced tab of the experimenter.



FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0repeat random streams
test-1.fsm (38.2 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Dj Moens avatar image
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Dj Moens answered Phil BoBo commented


The problem origininated because the user was using default setting in process flow: exponential(0, 10, getstream(activity))

getstream(activity) will start at 101 if I am not mistaken.


· 1
5 |100000

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