
Serge A avatar image
Serge A asked Serge A commented

Why does FlexSim installer require to close Firefox?

When FlexSim is isntalled or uninstalled, it requires to close Firefox web browser, or force the system reboot.

What does it have to do with the web browser installation?

FlexSim 20.0.7
installationflexsim 20.0.7
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Serge A commented

That window is the Windows Installer FilesInUse dialog that is automatically generated by the InstallValidate action.

It appears when a file that is trying to be installed cannot be written to because another process is currently accessing that file.

If Firefox is appearing in that list, then your Firefox is accessing something that FlexSim is trying to install. I can't replicate this issue with Firefox, so perhaps it is an add-on you have installed or something else specific to your Firefox version or installation.

The likely culprit is probably not a FlexSim file directly, but something in one of the dependencies that we install, such as various Visual C++ Redistributable (VCRT) merge modules. FlexSim also runs custom actions related to FlexNet, OptQuest, and Emulation that could access files shared by other programs, but I doubt your Firefox installation is using those (unless it is some sort of very peculiar add-on). The VCRT merge modules are likely the culprit. Those are shared by almost all Windows applications, and your Firefox installation is probably doing something unusual to be accessing them right now (perhaps because it does silent updates and you haven't restarted your machine since it did that in the background without you knowing).

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