
Tee Hiett avatar image
Tee Hiett asked Cliff King commented

Can glass doors open for patients exiting as well as entering?

I have a model with the glass door opening when a patient enters but they do not open when a patient leaves. The patient just disappears. Just in case I've missed it, is it possible to have a glass door open when the patient leaves?



FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3healthcaresliding glass door
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1 Answer

zacharyh avatar image
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zacharyh answered Cliff King commented


You can assign that animation to work for when customers are leaving. You can do that through Process Flow by assigning the Run Animation Task, Selecting the Glass door and choosing animation 3. (To know which animation to use click on the Glass Door, go to Properties -> Visual -> More Visual -> Click Edit next to "Visual/Animations". At the bottom of the new window you can see the Open Animation, by clicking on the drop down you will see "OpenClose" as the third animation.

Animation - OpenClose Glass Door.fsm

· 3
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